20 research outputs found

    Middleware to Integrate Mobile Devices, Sensors and Cloud Computing

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    A language to build multimedia programs: Java

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    Java, the well known programming language created by Sun Microsystems, Inc is mainly used to build applets, graphics user interfaces, distributed architectures or software components. In this tutorial we present how Java may be used to build programs using the 3D, the video, the sounds and the music, and the treatment of speech as synthesis and recognition of a natural language. The technologies developed by the Java Team are Java 3D, Java Media Framework, Java Sound, Java Speech. Some of them use native implementations and others are "100% pure Java"

    Langages algebriques d'index rationnel singulier

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    CNRS T 59412 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEFRFranc

    Interfaces Homme-Machine utilisant la parole : JavaSpeech

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    noteInternational audienceNous indiquons, dans cet exposé, comment construiredes programmes utilisant la parole (reconnaissanceet synthèse) puis nous présentons des composantsmultimédia utilisant la parole.Nous utilisons le langage Java qui propose les APIs pour le traitement de la parole (JavaSpeech) ainsi que l'architecture pour construire des composants (JavaBeans)

    ShareIt: A Generic Java Platform for Collaborative Broadcast Applications

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    noteIn this paper , we propose the ShareIt API to define specifications for e-learning shared applications. Abstracts items like Participant, Subject, Community, Reflectors are defined and implemented to be used in distant collaborative applications. These specifications are defined by Java interfaces. We implement these specifications with Java Shared Data Toolkit and Java Media Framework (the Java API for the video channels). For this we use design patterns such as Factory, Bridge, Observer to separate the specifications from the different possible implementations

    Mécanismes internes des JavaBeans

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    XMiLa: An XML DTD for music and the MIDI norm

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    Music can be written in many ways. Staves and bars used by musicians are well known. Music can be heard on a computer thanks to file formats such as wav, aiff or MIDI. However they are awkward to manipulate and finding out information in this way is no easy task. In this article we first intend to describe music with the help of XMiLa, an XML DTD which we designed, then to show the advantages it offers when securing detailed information about a particular piece of music. Displaying music charts on the screen and translating them into MIDI files so that they can be played are among the possibilities derived from XMiLa files